Crisis Intervention Convention: The Future Started Long Ago

We are excited to invite you to an impactful and essential convention, focused on addressing South Africa’s critical water, waste, and energy challenges.

“How Much Does It Really Cost? And Do We Have the Time to Pay It Back?

This event is designed to empower leaders and provide sustainable, practical solutions for a better future.

Join us for a solutions-based convention designed to equip decision-makers from the private sector with crucial insights into the pressing issues of water, waste and energy crises. This event compels participation and actively drives the change essential for South Africa’s future.

Esteemed speakers will address South Africa’s water and waste realities, public infrastructure challenges, environmental laws and compliance, water quality monitoring, and waste classifications and best practices. This unique event offers the opportunity to gain valuable insights and contribute to long-term environmental and economic health. Don’t miss the chance to be part of the solution.

The Event offers a shared space to exchange knowledge and work towards the solutions – a shared platform to share what others are doing

Deep Water Movement is a sister company to Hennops Revival NPO CIPC, SARS, Compliant Audited to IFRS Internationally Recognized Multi Award Winning B-BBEE Level 1 Contributor; Founder Led; 100% Women-owned Section 18a Tax Exemption (PBO)

  • Your partnership or sponsorship investment qualifies for Tax Exemption
  • Proceeds from this convention will be utilized in Water literacy and Environmental education, or Community Development Projects within impoverished communities

Date: 5-6 September 2024

Venue: Johannesburg Zoo


2024/09/05 08:00:00

About the Event


Industry Leaders

Solutions Providers


500+ industry peers and environmental leaders from across the private and public sector seeking collaborations and partnerships to drive meaningful change within their organisations and community.

Key insights from industry leaders and innovators, some of the key topics include:

  • South Africa’s Water and Waste Realities
  • Public Infrastructure
  • Environmental Laws and Compliance
  • Water Quality Monitoring
  • Best Practices in Waste Management
  • Water Conservation Techniques
  • Waste Segregation
  • Renewable Energy Installation
  • Compliance Monitoring
  • Academia and Education institutions
  • Green Infrastructure
  • Extended Waste Producer Regulations
  • Sustainable Alternative Solutions and Technology
  • Net Zero
  • ESG
  • Public-private partnership (PPP)

Gain insights from distinguished speakers on:

  • South Africa’s Water and Waste Realities
  • Public Infrastructure
  • Environmental Laws and Compliance
  • Water Quality Monitoring
  • Climate Change and Business Resilience
  • Best Practices in Waste Management


Hands-On Learning:

Participate in break-away sessions that cover:
  • Water Reality in South Africa – Supply and Demand, Non-Revenue Water
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment, Chemicals, Nature Based Solutions, R.O.
  • Desalination, Technologies, Re-Use, Compliance, Quality, Monitoring, Reporting
  • Water Policy, Legislation and Public Infrastructure and Funding Models
  • Plumbing regulations, sewage pollution, industrial pollution, Acid mine drainage
  • Water Contamination, Acid mine Drainage, Sewage Pollution
  • Zero, How far are we from Day Zero, TCTA 6-month maintenance plan
  • Water Studies and findings, Wetlands, Freshwater Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Groundwater, Aquaculture, Toxicology
  • Waste Reality in South Africa – Waste Policy, Legislation, Capacity and Compliance
  • Waste Classification, Re-use, Separation, Recycling, Up-cycling, Innovation
  • Waste to Energy, Circular Economy, Throw Away Culture to Zero Waste
  • Conversion, Climate Impact, Environmental Sustainability
  • Energy Reality in South Africa – Supply vs. Demand, Transition, Alternate Energy
  • Carbon emissions, Carbon credits, Green Economy, SDG’s
  • Goals, Plans, Opportunities, Partnerships, Commitment

Networking Opportunities:

Connect with industry peers, government officials, and environmental leaders. Forge collaborations and partnerships to drive meaningful change within your organization and community.

Exhibitions & Innovations:

Explore innovative technologies and solutions from responsible exhibitors. Learn about:
  • Nature-Based Solutions
  • Green Building and Eco-Friendly Solutions
  • Grey Water Reuse and Waste-to-Energy Technologies
  • Renewable Energy and Green Infrastructure
  • Grassroots environmental organizations

Affiliate Partners


Position your organisation as a leader in sustainability and environmental stewardship.

We offer various sponsorship packages that provide branding, speaking opportunities, and exclusive networking sessions.

Solutions Providers: Showcase your Innovation, solutions and offering in the exhibition and engage a solutions hungry, ready to act senior audience. Choose from one of the sponsor or exhibition packages.

Corporate Organisations: Showcase your leadership, innovation and support in overcoming South Africa’s critical water, waste, and energy challenges. Join as a sponsor/funding partner and help us to grow and expand this movement further beyond even the event. Choose from a sponsor or exhibition package or sponsor a specific amount towards the cause and receive partnership and attendee benefits.

Government Entities: Support and join this meaningful dialogue and support the initiative to bring key industry leaders together for impactful outcomes. Choose from a sponsor or exhibition package or sponsor a specific amount towards the cause and receive partnership and attendee benefits.

Mitigating crises through empowered leaders and sustainable, practical solutions



08:00 – 08:40 Arrival and Registration
08:45 – 08:55 Welcome, Purpose, Intentions – Tarryn Johnston, Founder of Deep Water Movement
09:00 – 09:45 Panel 1: Water Reality in South Africa – importance of Action
09:50 – 10:35 Panel 2: Water Remediation, Re-use, Treatment and Technologies – What’s possible, what’s available
10:45 – 11:05 Tea Break
11:20 – 12:00 Panel 3: Water Policy, Legislation and Public Infrastructure and Funding Models
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:10 – 13:55 Panel 4: Water Contamination, supply and demand, non-revenue Water, Water Net Zero, How far are we from Day Zero, TCTA 6-month maintenance plan
14:00 – 14:45 Panel 5: Water Studies and findings, Wetlands, Aquaculture
14:50 – 15:05 Tea Break
15:15 – 16:00 Panel 6: Stories from the ground, successes, sharing and options
16:05 – 16:45 Overview and Plans – from a blank Canvas


08:00 – 08:40 Arrival and Registration
08:45 – 08:55 Welcome, Recap of Day 1 – Tarryn Johnston, Founder of Deep Water Movement
09:00 – 09:45 Panel 1: Waste Reality in South Africa – Waste Policy, Legislation, Capacity and Compliance
09:50 – 10:35 Panel 2: Waste Classification, Re-use, Separation, Recycling, Up-cycling, Innovation
10:45 – 11:05 Tea break
11:20 – 12:00 Panel 3: Waste to Energy, Circular Economy, Throw Away Culture to Zero Waste Conversion, ESG
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:10 – 13:55 Panel 4: Energy – supply vs. demand, transition, solar, gas, fuel, batteries
14:00 – 14:45 Panel 5: Carbon emissions, carbon credits, green finance, SDG’s
14:50 – 15:05 Tea break
15:15 – 16:00 Panel 6: Goals, Plans, Opportunities, Partnerships, Commitment